Geriatric Care in Titusville

Senior Consultation and Senior Solutions

Geriatrics is a branch of medicine dedicated to the care of elderly patients. At Parrish Healthcare, we offer various services, programs, and amenities to ensure that our elderly patients receive the care that they need and that their loved ones can feel confident about the patient's well-being and quality of life.

What Is Geriatric Care?

Geriatric care is primary care that puts a particular focus on the health challenges that patients face with advanced age. Physicians and specialists in this field of medicine have extensive experience in these health concerns and are well-versed in the challenges that elderly patients (and their loved ones) face as they grow older.

Geriatric care can consist of care and treatment for:

  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiogeriatrics (heart issues)
  • Vision loss
  • Hearing loss
  • Oral health
  • Mobility issues
  • Osteoporosis
  • Injuries from falls
  • Unintentional weight loss/malnutrition
  • Nursing home abuse/neglect
  • Various screenings and prevention measures

We can also help patients and their loved ones manage their prescriptions, conduct in-home check-ups and care, and provide referrals to local recommended assisted living facilities when necessary. Call Parrish Healthcare today to learn more about our geriatric care services.

Education & Resources

At Parrish Healthcare, we also know that elderly patients and their families face new and intimidating challenges as they confront geriatric health issues. That is why our facility offers Senior Solutions for patients and families grappling with the emotional, medical, and logistical challenges as they seek care with us. These programs have been put in place to educate patients and families about geriatric health concerns and ensure that the care they receive at our facility is as efficient and effective as possible.

Call us at 321-268-6800 today to learn more about our Senior Solutions programs and resources—we're ready to assist you and your family.

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