Home Health Services in Brevard County

Care in the Comfort of Your Home

There is no place like home, especially when you are sick or injured. Working together with Parrish Medical Center, named America’s #1 Healing Hospital three years in a row, Parrish Home Health (PHH) will ensure a smooth transition from the hospital to your home. PHH’s goal is to continue your healing experience while you recover in your home.

Parrish Home Health is a not-for-profit agency serving North Brevard County and surrounding areas with medical, social and support services. PHH is licensed by the State of Florida and certified for participation in Medicare and Medicaid programs. It is accredited by the Joint Commission, exceeding its strict survey standards. You can see the PHH scores at medicare.gov/hhcompare.

Who Benefits from Home Health Care?

Home Health Care services are delivered to recovering, disabled, chronically or terminally ill persons who need medical, nursing, social or therapeutic skilled treatments in their own homes. Older adults often elect to live independent, noninstitutionalized lives and receive home care services as they experience physical limitations. Additionally, adults diagnosed with terminal illness often choose to be cared for at home, receiving compassion while maintaining dignity at the end of life.

Your Home Health Team

A registered nurse, working with your physician, manages the team of healthcare providers that aid in your recovery at home. The team members include:

  • registered nurses
  • licensed practical nurses
  • physical therapists
  • speech therapists
  • occupational therapists
  • medical social workers
  • certified home health aides

Services Provided

Parrish Home Health (PHH) offers one-to-one patient care in your home focusing on patient independence and home safety. PHH staff offers patient and family education on their disease process, medication management, nutrition, and pain control, along with IV therapy and wound/ostomy care management. Consulting services offered through Parrish Medical Center are available to PHH patients. The PHH staff works closely with these consultants to help coordinate the most advanced treatment options possible.

Who Pays for Home Care?

Reimbursement for services may be arranged by meeting Medicare or Medicaid eligibility requirements, through direct payment or private insurance. Parrish Home Health will process all claims for patients.

What Are The Requirements For Home Care Service?

  • Have physician orders
  • Be homebound, where leaving the home requires a taxing effort (Medicare only)
  • Need a skilled service, i.e., registered nurse, physical therapist, speech therapist.

Personal care is covered in conjunction with a skilled service, such as nursing or therapy. The goal will be to assist the patient/caregiver to become independent in providing personal care. Medicare does not cover custodial care.

You can request any home health agency you want, whether treated in Titusville, at another hospital or clinic in Brevard County, or out of town, as long as you are returning to your home to recover in the PHH service area. After you or your family request Parrish Home Health services, the facility where you received your treatment will contact PHH and they will set up an evaluation appointment and home treatment schedule.

A Parrish Home Health (PHH) nurse is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week for PHH patients. Office hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.

Call our Titusville office at 321-383-5422 or Cocoa Office at 321-433-8236 for assistance anytime.

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