Parrish Healthcare Serves as Presenting Sponsor for SMILE From Within Community Event

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Parrish Healthcare Serves as Presenting Sponsor for SMILE From Within Community Event

SMILE From Within, a community event designed to tackle the importance of having a healthy mind and body and destroy the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction, took place this past Saturday, March 23. Parrish Healthcare was proud to serve as the presenting sponsor for the fourth consecutive year.

“The purpose of today’s event is to highlight the importance of a healthy mind and body for everyone within our North Brevard community. Supporting events like SMILE From Within is one more way we serve to extend the reach of our vision of Healing Families—Healing Communities.” said Robert Jordan, Chairman of the Parrish Medical Board of Directors. “There is hope and potential in each and everyone of us here today, simply because you showed up. This is how each of us make a difference.”

The free event, open to children ages seven to fourteen, took place at Gibson Center Fields in Titusville. Participants attended a youth football training or cheerleading camp. J.T. Hassell, an NFL football player and former Brevard native, led the rotation of several football training activities throughout the day. NFL cheerleaders Courtney Cadore and Jonet Nichelle ran the cheerleading camp that later performed a learned routine for all in attendance.

SMILE From Within was organized and hosted by All Black, a community engagement company for change, in partnership with the Hassell Foundation, Brevard Prevention Coalition and Move Into The Light.

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