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Office of Inspector General (OIG) for Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) Issues Favorable Report

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Office of Inspector General (OIG) for Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) Issues Favorable Report

TITUSVILLE, FL (June 19, 2024)—Parrish Medical Center is pleased to announce that its prior practice regarding Low Income Pool (LIP) funds transfers has been validated as appropriate despite allegations to the contrary. The OIG issued a favorable report and has found as “Unsubstantiated” (emphasis in the report) the allegations that a Division of Medicaid employee redistributed LIP funding between Parrish and Halifax Health in violation of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines—the responsible federal agency.

A “Whistle-blower” had incorrectly alleged, and continues to incorrectly allege even after this ruling by the State Agency, that the LIP funds transactions somehow violated federal law. The OIG, however, found that “witnesses interviewed confirmed the Agency submitted this process to CMS and received CMS approval….” The “Whistle-blower” was provided by the OIG numerous opportunities to submit documentation or information, as outlined in a Memorandum to the Chief Inspector General, dated January 16, 2024. “The Whistle-blower did not provide information or documentation that affects the findings of the report,” wrote the OIG.

Parrish Medical Center President/CEO George Mikitarian, commented: “The OIG’s comprehensive report and finding of “Unsubstantiated” validates Parrish’s business practices are sound and compliant. We are proud of our record of service to the patients and community we have the honor to serve. And, we will continue to work in cooperation with all governmental agencies in the funding of the care provided to our low income/charity care patients.”

For a complete copy of the OIG’s report, click here. For a copy of the Memorandum to the Chief Inspector General, click here.