Parrish Medical Center Earns 5-Stars from Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative (FPQC)

Parrish Medical Center Earns 5-Stars from Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative (FPQC)

Parrish Medical Center (PMC) is proud to announce that it has earned five-stars from the Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative (FPQC) for achieving excellence across five quality measures in postpartum access and continuity of care (PACC).

According to FPQC, among the PACC quality measures are completing a postpartum risk assessment; checking vital signs before hospital discharge to make sure mothers are stable; scheduling and educating patients about the benefits of the 2-week Post Birth Health check before hospital discharge; and raising awareness and training among emergency medicine clinicians about postpartum risks and warning signs.

“This recognition underscores Parrish Medical Center’s commitment to advancing maternal and infant health through high-quality, evidence-based practices,” said Robert Jordan, Parrish Medical Center Chairman of the Board.

PMC’s Women’s Center and Emergency Department collaborated on this important quality initiative, recognizing that a hospital’s emergency department plays a key role in preventing postpartum mortality and morbidity. Data from Florida’s Maternal Mortality Review Committee found one-third to half of all pregnancy-related deaths occur after a mother has been discharged from the hospital and two-thirds of these deaths are preventable. It is estimated, according to FPQC, that 40% of new mothers do not see a provider for recommended postpartum follow-up care within two-weeks following birth, which is a critical intervention period to help ensure short and long-term health for mother and baby. Nearly a third of new mothers that come to an emergency room (ER) postpartum are sent home, highlighting the need for focused training among ER providers and clinicians and a key strategy for the FPQC-PACC state-wide initiative. The certification process involved a thorough review of PMC’s clinical practices, data reporting and quality improvement initiatives.

“We pride ourselves on taking a mother-focused approach to maternal health following evidence-based best practices to ensure quality, equitable and respectful care at every stage of the perinatal care continuum,” said Manuel Navas, MD, Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Parrish Medical Center.

“Earning this certification highlights Parrish Medical Center’s success in meeting and exceeding the FPQC's stringent standards for perinatal care,” said Ericka Jacobs, Director of Emergency and Women’s Services at Parrish Medical Center.

“The dedication and teamwork demonstrated between our Emergency Department and Women’s Center Care Partners reinforces our commitment to providing the best possible care for mothers and infants in our care,” added Christopher Rajan, MD, Medical Director, Emergency Department. As a certified organization, Parrish Medical Center will continue to participate in FPQC initiatives and contribute to statewide efforts to advance perinatal care standards.