MagView Technologies implemented at Parrish Healthcare Enhancing mammography program and improving patient experience

MagView Technologies implemented at Parrish Healthcare Enhancing mammography program and improving patient experience

MagView Technology implemented at Parrish Healthcare
Enhancing integrated mammography program and improving patient experience

TITUSVILLE, FL (December 15, 2023)

Parrish Healthcare is pleased to announce the successful go-live of the MagView technology at all of its mammography locations. The MagView system further elevates Parrish Healthcare’s nationally accredited breast imaging (mammography) program with enhanced integration, reporting and workflows all designed to improve the patient experience by providing features such as: tools to make access to health information simple and secure; tools needed to help patient navigation from diagnosis through treatment; and robust analytics to support continuous quality improvement initiatives.

“We are thrilled with the successful implementation of our cutting-edge technology at all mammography locations across Parrish Healthcare. This partnership represents a joint effort in the advancing breast imaging programs through enhanced integration, streamlined workflow, and robust analytics that lead to improved outcomes for patients. Together, we're making strides in early breast cancer detection and personalized care."
- Mark Schmidt, MBA, VP of Sales & Marketing at MagView.

“The addition of the MagView technology was made possible, in part, through the generosity of donors to Parrish Healthcare’s Jess Parrish Medical Foundation and the skill and expertise of our Radiology and Information Technology Care Partners,” said Assistant Vice President, Operations Matt Graybill, MSHA, BSN, RN, NEA-BC, CNOR. “Early detection is key when it comes to treating cancer and through technology like this it empowers our Radiologists to perform predictive modeling of a woman’s breast cancer risk with a very high degree of accuracy with the information available in the system,” added Graybill.

Since 2009, Parrish Healthcare has earned the Breast Imaging Center of Excellence designation from the American College of Radiology (ACR). Additionally, breast imaging (mammography) services are integral to Parrish Healthcare’s American College of Surgeon’s Commission on Cancer (CoC) certified Oncology Program. Like most accreditation programs, Parrish Healthcare contributes data to the accrediting bodies to be tracked, analyzed and used to explore trends in care. Accredited programs, in turn, have access to information derived from this type of data analysis, which is used to create national, regional, and state benchmark reports supporting quality improvement initiatives. To learn about Parrish Healthcare visit