Parrish Healthcare sponsors Brevard Public Schools' Thrive by Five initiative

Parrish Healthcare sponsors Brevard Public Schools' Thrive by Five initiative

Brevard County Public Schools Thrive by Five Initiative

The Thrive by Five initiative launched on November 1, 2021 at a press conference where Parrish care partners helped to assemble over 500 Thrive by Five bags each filled with the popular children's book ("Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See"), baby bib and information for new parents about the many resources available to support them through the Thrive by Five initiative. Annually, 5,000 bags will be distributed to new parents countywide.

Parrish Healthcare's Involvement

Earlier this year, BPS Superintendent Dr. Mark Mullins contacted Parrish Healthcare's President/CEO George Mikitarian to share his vision of providing a pathway for every family in Brevard to have early literacy and school readiness resources beginning at birth to set them on the path for lifelong success. Dr. Mikitarian didn't hesitate to commit Parrish Healthcare's support.

"It aligns perfectly to our own vision of Healing Families - Healing Communities® and why over the next five years, Parrish Healthcare has committed $50,000 to support this important initiative," said Dr. Mikitarian.

Why We Do It

According to Parrish Healthcare's Senior Vice President Communications, Community & Corporate Services Natalie Sellers, there are five key reasons we believe in this important initiative: 

  1. We believe every child can and should thrive during the crucial first five years of their physical, emotional and intellectual development.
  2. We believe prioritizing children, specifically from birth to kindergarten, is the best way to establish a solid foundation to improve educational and health outcomes for children and to set them on a lifelong path to success. 
  3. We believe in strong collaboration across education, healthcare, and family and social services to bridge gaps1 of identified community health needs.
  4. We believe in the vision of Brevard Public Schools to engage, inspire and empower a community of learners in collaborating, innovating and preparing them for future readiness.
  5. We believe in our community working together for the community. Together, we can, and are, healing families and healing communities.

How to Learn More

Thrive by Five program information will be disseminated at Parrish Medical Center; The Children's Center in Titusville, a service of Parrish Healthcare; Parrish Medical Group offices; and through area pediatrician offices.

More information about this initiative can be found at