Parrish Medical Center is Healing in Every Sense

TITUSVILLE, FLA. (September 16, 2019)—“A growing body of research attests that music therapy is more than a nice perk. It can improve medical outcomes and quality of life in a variety of ways,” according to Beverly Merz, Executive Editor, Harvard Women's Health Watch.

Understanding and believing in music’s healing affects, Parrish Medical Center (PMC) has made music a regular part of its healing environment for nearly two decades. Live weekly music performances are held in the medical center’s atrium near the central seating area for outpatient services and the atrium cafe. Community volunteer musicians, as well as professional musicians, play weekly. A beautiful baby grand piano, donated by the PMC Auxiliary, has a prominent place as well in the atrium.

“Whether it is a scheduled outpatient surgery, MRI or mammogram, having access to healing music helps to ease feelings of stress or anxiety,” said PMC Vice President, Communications, Community and Corporate Services Natalie Sellers.

“We have hosted the Brevard Symphony Orchestra small groups, volunteer pianists and other musicians,” Sellers said. “We also have witnessed couples dancing in the atrium, people singing along to a familiar song, or simply listening and enjoying the respite the music provides.”

Healing Experiences For Everyone All The Time® is PMC’s mission and the system has served to fulfill that mission in part by the evidence-based healing environment it has designed and created for the people and community served. To view PMC’s weekly music schedule visit, If you are interested in being a volunteer musician please contact 321-268-6110.