Managing Cancer Treatments During the Holiday Season

  • Category: Cancer, Oncology
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  • Written By: Parrish Healtchare
Managing Cancer Treatments During the Holiday Season

Coping with Cancer Treatments

Traditionally, the holiday season brings us joy and an excuse to spend more time with family and friends. However, the pressures to attend holiday parties and buying gifts can be stressful for anyone — and for someone who has cancer, it can make it that much more taxing.

When it comes to your cancer treatment schedule on top of the holiday rush, here are some tips on how to cope so you can put your health first and rest easier this holiday season.

Practice Self-Care

For many patients, having a family to tend to while going through cancer treatments can be a challenge. While you may be used to caring for others, now is the time to care for yourself. Some simple ways to give yourself time to slow down may include:

  • Finding a place to go for quiet time so you can rest.
  • Continue to do the activities you enjoy.
  • Listen to your favorite music.
  • Eat your favorite nourishing foods.
  • Invite family and friends over for comfort and company.
  • Join a cancer support group — you may learn new self-care techniques from others.

Find Ways to Reduce Stress

The holiday season is synonymous with stress. When you are feeling overwhelmed between holiday tasks and managing your cancer treatments, here are some ways you can reduce stress levels:

  • Try light yoga if your energy levels will allow.
  • Get outside and take in some fresh air.
  • Take a bubble bath.
  • Ask for help with errands, chores, and other tasks.
  • Watch a funny movie.
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation.

Saying, “No” is Okay

Saying “no” to the things you cannot commit to is okay. Your health is most important. If you aren’t up to attend holiday parties or participate in other holiday events, then stay home and indulge in any of the above self-care and stress-reducing activities.

Seek Support From Family and Friends

Family and friends can be an excellent support system when you are coping with cancer and managing treatments this holiday season. Whether you need a ride to your treatment center or assistance with cleaning your home, enlist your family and friends in helping you stay stress-free so you can concentrate on your health.

Contact Parrish Cancer Center

At the Parrish Cancer Center, we want to help all cancer patients and their families find ways to cope with cancer treatments and support them through self-care. Contact us today at 321-529-6202 for more information about how we can help you or a loved one who needs treatments, symptom management, and emotional support. We are here to answer all your questions and concerns.