Parrish Medical Center Offers Free Community Presentation on Stroke

BREVARD COUNTY, FLA (July 12, 2018)—Parrish Medical Center is offering a free community health presentation on stroke as part of its HealthBridge series. Stroke: Symptoms, Types, Treatment, and Prevention is scheduled Thursday, July 19, from 5–7 p.m., in the La Cita County Club located in Titusville.

The event is free but space is limited for this catered event. For more information, and to pre-register, call 321-268-6110 or visit

Stroke strikes 700,000 Americans each year. With the right care at the right time, many will survive. The event will discuss an action plan for recognizing stroke and its impact on the human body. Pamela Tronetti, DO, AGSF and the Medical Director of Parrish Senior Services, will explain symptoms, types of strokes, treatment and prevention.