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  • Written By: Parrish Healthcare

Parrish Healthcare initiated hurricane preparedness procedures well in advance of Hurricane Matthew’s approach to Brevard County, and the emergency response plan is now fully in effect with Brevard County’s announcement of mandatory evacuations; school and government office closings; and the planned opening of hurricane shelters. Following are frequently asked questions and answers. This list will be updated regularly.

Q. Is Parrish Medical Center (PMC) a shelter?
A. No. Families and pets cannot be sheltered at the hospital. The medical center’s resources during an emergency, such as a hurricane, are dedicated to the care and treatment of the very sick or injured.

Q. Is PMC a special needs center?
A. We work closely with the County, who coordinates placement into special needs centers. We will only receive patients who are already on the County’s list. Individuals not currently registered with the County, but requiring special needs during a time of emergency, should contact the Brevard County Office of Emergency Management at 637-6670 for more information. It is important to note that this program is designed to assist those residents who HAVE NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE FOR SAFE SHELTER AND MEET THE PROGRAM REGISTRATION CRITERIA.

Q. Will the hospital evacuate?
A. No. The hospital will stay operational during the storm. The building is constructed to code and is equipped with backup generators and supplies to remain fully operational for up to two weeks after a storm.

Q. Has the hospital canceled surgeries or any diagnostic testing?
A. Elective surgeries are postponed beginning noon on Thursday, Oct. 6 until the Brevard County Emergency Management says that the storm danger has passed. Per our Hurricane preparedness protocols, elective surgeries/procedures are canceled upon the County issuing a Hurricane warning for the area. Patients that can safely be sent home will be discharged. Anyone with an elective surgery/procedure scheduled will be notified of cancellations.

Q. What outpatient services/facilities are closing as a result of the Hurricane?
A. For the safety of patients, their families, and care partners (employees, medical staff, and volunteers), the following Parrish Healthcare offices and services are closed Thursday, Oct. 6 and Friday, Oct. 7 and will remain closed through the duration of Hurricane Matthew. Offices and services are expected to reopen during normal business hours within eight hours after Brevard County Emergency Management announces the storm danger has passed:

  • Parrish Medical Group (all offices)
  • Parrish Home Health
  • Parrish Healthcare Center – Port St. John
  • Parrish Medical Office Building – Port St. John
  • Parrish Health & Fitness Center – Titusville
  • The Children’s Center – Titusville

Note: Parrish Medical Group Diagnostics | Urgent Care Center at the Target shopping plaza in Titusville will be closed Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 3 p.m. and will resume normal operations Sunday, Oct. 9, provided Brevard Emergency Management has announced the storm danger has passed.

Brevard County residents served by Parrish Healthcare will be kept informed of hurricane-related hospital developments through PMG’s and PMC’s websites, posts on PMC’s Facebook page, Twitter, news releases to the media, and signage at office entrances.