JPMF Hosts Benefit Golf Classic

Jess Parrish Medical Foundation (JPMF) has announced the law firm of Zumpano Patricios & Winker, P.A. as presenting sponsors for the annual Fran Gerrett Memorial Golf Classic on Friday, April 22. More than 240 golfers are anticipated to play in the two-course tournament with all proceeds benefiting The Children’s Center (TCC), a service of Parrish Medical Center, which provides families with special needs and/or typically developing children with numerous health, therapy, education and child development programs in a single location.

“It is our privilege to be the presenting sponsor of this great event for the second year in a row. The Fran Gerrett Memorial Golf Classic helps provide financial support so that TCC can continue to provide health, education, and care for many families and children with and without special needs. The work of TCC is critical to the community and contributes to the success of children in school,” said Joseph I. Zumpano, shareholder at Zumpano Patricios & Winker, P.A.

Registration begins at 12 p.m., with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. Tournament players can choose between two golf courses – the members only La Cita Golf & Country Club or The Great Outdoors Golf Club with the beautiful nature of the St. John's wildlife. Golf teams choose their preferred course on a first-come, first-served basis with paid registration. The tournament format will be a four-player scramble with fun contests, including a chance to win a $1,000 cash prize when purchasing a raffle ticket for $20. Participants need not be present to win. Winners will be announced immediately following the awards ceremony.

The golf classic committee has secured sponsorships from numerous community members and organizations. Platinum sponsors include: RUSH Construction, Inc. Gold sponsors include: Medline Industries, Inc.; Susan Morse, Senior Vice President and Steve Soltesz, Financial Advisor, Indian River Wealth Management Group. Other generous sponsors will be recognized at the event. Sponsorships are still available from many different levels designed to show community support and corporate partnership. The cost per player is $85, which includes golf, lunch and dinner. Sponsorship opportunities for the tournament begin at $500.

Fran Gerrett served as the director of materials management at Parrish Medical Center for 24 years. Fran passed away in 2012, but the annual golf tournament lives on as a tribute to Fran Gerrett’s longtime dedication to our community and his favorite charity, The Children’s Center. The golf classic is organized by community leaders and volunteers. Event co-chairs are Kathy Myer and Greg Sparkman. Other members of the golf committee included: Santi Bulnes, Amy Craddock, Anita Currie, Lori Duester, Leigh Gerrett, Amy Lord, Esther Porta, Tina Spangler-Phillips, Robert Wildermuth, Misty Wilson and Suzanne Yarbrough.