National Falls Prevention Awareness Day at PHFC

Parrish Health & Fitness Center (PH&FC) is recognizing National Falls Prevention Awareness Day on Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015—the first day of fall—with a presentation for seniors at 1:30 p.m., followed by exercise demonstrations and the opportunity to register for free workshops.

One-third of Americans over 65 falls each year. Every 13 seconds, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall; every 20 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall. While falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injury for people 65 and older, they are not an inevitable part of aging.

“These are alarming statistics that can be changed,” said Tia Amaya, certified wellness coach and personal trainer.

PH&FC offers free workshops to help older adults gain strength, improve balance, build confidence and preserve independence. Any senior may participate in A Matter of Balance, Tai Chi, and Living Healthy programs—membership to the center is not required.

Physical therapists at PH&FC recommend simple changes that can significantly reduce falls among older adults, including:

  • Physical activity with balance, strength and flexibility components,
  • Fall risk assessment with a health professional
  • Periodic medication review
  • Annual vision and hearing exam, and
  • Ensure the home environment is safe and free of fall hazards.

For more information about National Falls Prevention Awareness Day, Parrish Health & Fitness Center, or falls prevention workshops, please call 321-268-6200 extension 8607.