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Parrish Medical Group Attends World's Greatest Baby Shower

Parrish Medical Group Attends World's Greatest Baby Shower

A large group of expectant moms and their families visited us on Saturday, May 3 at the World’s Greatest Baby Shower at the Searstown Mall in Titusville, FL. Parrish Medical Group was well represented, with Parrish Obstetrics and Parrish Medical Group’s Dr. Caito and Dr. O’Bryan and their staff.

Christina Caito, DO, is certified as an osteopathic physician and specializes in all aspects of obstetrics and gynecology. Erica O’Bryan is a board-certified pediatrician and provides comprehensive care for a wide variety of patients.

Both physicians were invited to the ‘Ask a Doc’ panel. The event had educational seminars on Car Safety, Feeding Your Baby Safely and H.U.G. Your Baby—Birth to One.

Parrish Medical Group and other vendors provided educational exhibits, light refreshments, and door prizes.

world's greatest baby showerworld's greatest baby showerworld's greatest baby shower