JPMF Announces Karla Foster, RN, Scholarship Recipient

JPMF Announces Karla Foster, RN, Scholarship Recipient

Jess Parrish Medical Foundation awarded the 2013 Karla Foster, RN, Memorial Scholarship of $3,000 to Emily Vondenhuevel, Parrish Medical Center (PMC) unit secretary/certified nursing assistant II. The scholarship was established by Doug Foster in loving memory of his wife, Karla, who was tragically killed on September 11, 2006, by a hit and run driver. Karla had been a nurse at PMC for more than 22 years.

Vondenhuevel is currently enrolled in an associate’s degree nursing program at Eastern Florida State College. “I am eager to work with the members of our community to provide healing. I have a passion for working with people and helping them through the best or worst days of their lives. It is rewarding to be present for those in need and to know I’m making a difference,” stated Vondenhuevel. “With this scholarship I will be able to finish my nursing degree and work toward making a difference throughout our entire community. I am honored and sincerely grateful to the Jess Parrish Medical Foundation for awarding me with this scholarship and want to thank them for believing in me."

For more information, please contact Jess Parrish Medical Foundation at 321-269-4066 or visit