Titusville Ladies Club presents "The Journey of the Traveling Bras"

The Titusville Ladies Club (TLC) presents “The Journey of the Traveling Bras,” a beautifully decorated display of 10 showcased bras making their way across Titusville, with various stops along the way. Each stop of the Traveling Bras will showcase the intricate workmanship that was involved in the design and creation of these wearable, themed “works of art,” decorated and generously donated by Jean Shuford and Pamela Childers of JBI Bling in Mims.

TLC will kickoff this journey with a fund-raiser on Saturday, September 8, 2012, from 5 – 8 pm hosted by Krista James Salon at 4350 S. Hopkins Avenue in Titusville. This event will be the first of four that TLC is organizing to bring the community together for a good cause. Proceeds will be donated to Jess Parrish Medical Foundation to support cancer care programs at Parrish Medical Center (PMC).

Two-dozen salons and boutiques are participating in the kickoff fund-raiser—a shopping extravaganza where attendees will have a chance to purchase unique fashions and accessories, as well as salon products and services, with a percentage of sales being donated to the cause. Attendees can also enter for a chance to win valuable gift baskets and prizes donated by the salons. Now through December, Krista James’ Salon is also donating 100 percent of all profits for any pink (or with any trace of pink) products sold in the salon. Participating salons have entered into a friendly competition for the title of the “Most Client Supported Salon for Fighting Cancer in Titusville” by having the most clients attend the event. Pick up your “voting ticket” at your local Titusville salon and bring it with you to the event to show your support. Admission is free to this community event, but guests should be ready to donate for raffle tickets, food and beverages.

“The Journey of the Traveling Bras” will continue on October 18 at Merle Norman Boutique in Titusville, and then on November 3 at the Historic Downtown Titusville’s Car Show. The final stop of the journey will be at TLC’s signature event, the “New Year, New Life” New Year’s Eve Gala at Sherwood Golf & Country Club, where the beautifully decorated bras will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. More details about each of these events will be announced as the dates get closer.

“We established Titusville Ladies Club because we wanted to raise money to help women in our community who are dealing with breast cancer since two of our friends were diagnosed within one year of each other. I’m proud to say we raised $1,875 for PMC cancer programs last year and can’t wait to see what we’re able to raise by hosting these four events,” said Fran Colman, event chairwoman.

Numerous sponsors have agreed to take the journey with TLC, including: Applianceville of Titusville, Inc.; Claudine Mogg of Golf 1 Realty; Colman Heating & Air, Inc.; Donna G. Ivery, M.D. of Ona-Gyn, LLC; GP Strategies, Inc.; Johanna Hamilton of Coldwell Banker Coast Realty; John W. Cooper Land Surveying, Inc.; J.W. Edens Insurance Agency; Laru’s Vintage Medley LLC; Merle Norman & Boutique; Proquest Pest Control and Termite; Robin L. Fisher Insurance Agency Inc.; Sherwood Golf & Country Club; and Watson Enterprise Marine Transport.

Donna G. Ivery, M.D., says, “We are thrilled to play an additional role in the care of women through fund-raising for such a great cause. Join us for a fun evening of beauty and giveaways; come learn about additional options for breast health screening.”

The event committee includes: Fran Colman, Theresa Cooper, Tara Edginton, Johanna Hamilton, Aleshia Humphries, Mary Ann Jackson, Sharon James, Jolene Maroney, Joy McGregor, Candi Neuweiler, and Jeri Perry.

Sponsorships are still available. For more information, contact TLC’s Fran Colman at 321-403-3014.