Could You Have Restless Legs Syndrome?

Do you constantly feel like you have to move your legs? Do you toss and turn all night in bed? Approximately 1 in 6 people suffer from restless legs syndrome, especially those over 50.

Restless legs syndrome causes unpleasant feelings in the legs: ?
  • sensations of crawling, prickling
  • aching, tickling a feeling of tiredness or heaviness of the legs ?
  • an urge to move the legs when sitting down or lying in bed.
We will discuss the causes and treatment options of restless legs syndrome.

If you or someone you know suffers from sleep problems, you are encouraged to attend this support group meeting on Monday, October 1, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Parrish Healthcare Center at Port St. John, 5005 Port St. John Parkway (east of the I-95 Port St. John exit). The meetings are held in the Conference Center by the south entrance (near the sleep lab). This is a free community service. Please call 321-268-6408 to register.

Free sleep evaluations are done by a registered technologist at every meeting. One of the most common signs of obstructive sleep apnea is loud and chronic (ongoing) snoring. Sleep apnea can result in depression, diabetes and morning headaches. Sleep apnea also contributes to high blood pressure, which an estimated 50 percent of sleep apnea patients have. The greatest risk from this sleep disorder, however, is stroke or heart attack. Everyone (you, someone you know or anyone with a sleep partner) who suffers from the sleep apnea warning signs mentioned above should take these symptoms seriously.