Titusville Ladies Club Raises Nearly $10,000 to Benefit PMC Cancer Care Programs

The Titusville Ladies Club (TLC) raised nearly $10,000 in their kickoff fundraiser and first stop of the “Traveling Bras” held on September 8, benefiting cancer care programs at Parrish Medical Center (PMC).

“The Journey of the Traveling Bras” is a beautifully decorated display of 10 showcased bras making their way across Titusville, with various stops along the way. Each stop of the Traveling Bras will showcase the intricate workmanship of these wearable, themed “works of art,” decorated and generously donated by Jean Shuford and Pamela Childers of JBI in Titusville. More than 200 people attended the kickoff event where two-dozen salons and boutiques showcased unique fashions and accessories, as well as salon products and services. TLC received community sponsorships, and the salons donated a percentage of proceeds, helping TLC bring the total raised to just under $10,000.

“The kickoff event was more successful than we had ever imagined! We’re so proud of our community for coming together to support such an important cause and we look forward to continuing this journey,” said Fran Colman, TLC co-chair.

The next stop of TLC’s “Traveling Bras” will be hosted by Merle Norman & Boutique at 3045 Columbia Boulevard in Titusville at the Crossroads Marketplace on Thursday, October 18, 2012 from 3:00 to 7:00 pm. At 5:30 pm, cancer survivor and guest speaker, Dawn Cummings, will share her journey, and at 6:00 pm there will be an “In the Pink” Fashion Show sponsored by Cache, The Avenues in Viera. Attendees will have chances to win raffles and door prizes, and there will be in-store promotions from Merle Norman vendors, such as Brighton Collectibles “Power of Pink”, Pandora Jewelry and Vera Bradley.

“We started the Titusville Ladies Club because several of our friends have been diagnosed with breast cancer. The news weighed heavy on our hearts, as we can’t imagine not having these women in our lives. Our circle of friends decided to raise money to help our local community. We were introduced to the cancer care programs at Parrish and knew right away that is where we want the proceeds to go,” said Candi Neuweiler, owner of Merle Norman & Boutique in Titusville, and member of TLC.

The “Traveling Bras” will make several more stops before the journey ends at TLC’s signature event, the “New Year, New Life” New Year’s Eve Gala at Sherwood Golf & Country Club, where the beautifully decorated bras will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. For a complete schedule of events, visit www.Facebook.com/TitusvilleLadiesClub. Proceeds from all events will be donated to Jess Parrish Medical Foundation to support cancer care programs at PMC.

Numerous sponsors are taking the journey with TLC, including: Allen Duncan Insurance, Applianceville of Titusville, Inc.; The Broome Law Firm, P.A., Claudine Mogg of Golf 1 Realty; Colman Heating & Air, Inc.; Donna G. Ivery, M.D. of Ona-Gyn, LLC; GP Strategies, Inc.; Johanna Hamilton of Coldwell Banker Coast Realty; John W. Cooper Land Surveying, Inc.; J.W. Edens Insurance Agency; Laru’s Vintage Medley LLC; Merle Norman & Boutique; Proquest Pest Control and Termite; Robin L. Fisher Insurance Agency Inc.; Sherwood Golf & Country Club; Veronica’s Face-N-Body Place; and Watson Enterprise Marine Transport.

The event committee includes: Fran Colman, Theresa Cooper, Tara Edginton, Johanna Hamilton, Aleshia Humphries, Mary Ann Jackson, Sharon James, Jolene Maroney, Joy McGregor, Candi Neuweiler, and Jeri Perry. Sponsorships are still available. For more information, contact TLC’s Fran Colman at 321-403-3014.

About Titusville Ladies Club The Titusville Ladies Club (TLC) was formed by a close-knit group of women who share many things in common, but what especially holds true to their hearts is the care of local women diagnosed with cancer. As a team they have come to realize that they work well with one another, share in and have compassion for others. This is how they can give back and express just how lucky they are to have each other as great friends. As everyone knows, cancer does not discriminate. It has touched everyone’s lives in one form or another through family or friends. It’s a real life journey, and the “Traveling Bras” are on a journey to demonstrate how TLC supports those in need. For more information about TLC, call 321-403-3014 or visit www.Facebook.com/TitusvilleLadiesClub.