PMC Auxiliary Awards 20 Scholarships

The Parrish Medical Center Auxiliary recently awarded 20 scholarships of $1,000 each to students living in the North Brevard Hospital District who are pursuing a degree in a health-related field and have a grade point average of 3.0 or better. The recipients, listed by the school they were attending when they applied, are:
  • Astronaut High School: Katherine Ivey, Sydney Mounger, Linda Ostrowsky, Sarah Oswald, Megan Witcher and Jennifer Woodman
  • Titusville High School: Jimmie Bledsoe, Amanda Cox, Nehal Modha and Olivia Schmatolla-Brooks
  • Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School: Mariah Jackson
  • Brevard Community College: Amanda Holloway, Corina Johnson and Leah Pereno
  • University of Central Florida: Valerie Luman, Christopher Mirable and Alana Nelson
  • University of Florida: Alexandra Parrish and Steven Raymond
  • Emory University: Nicole Jordan

About the Parrish Medical Center Auxiliary

The Parrish Medical Center Auxiliary was founded in 1959 to provide volunteer services throughout the hospital. Today, the Auxiliary consists of over 400 active, associate and teenage volunteers. Auxiliary members not only perform necessary duties for hospital staff, but also manage the Pink Angel Gift Shop and conduct annual fundraising activities. As a result, the Auxiliary donates more than $150,000 to the hospital each year. For more information about the Parrish Medical Center Auxiliary, visit