JPMF Doctors' Day Recognition Program

Jess Parrish Medical Foundation (JPMF) is offering the community a special opportunity to participate in Parrish Medical Center’s (PMC) vision of Healing Families—Healing Communities by honoring a PMC physician.

First held on March 30, 1933, National Doctors’ Day is the perfect occasion to honor a PMC physician by making a gift to JPMF and writing a personal note of thanks to him or her. Appreciation notes will be personally delivered to physicians. Gift amounts will not be disclosed.

Proceeds will benefit the Karla Foster, RN, Memorial Nursing Scholarship. The scholarship was established in 2007 by Douglas Foster in loving memory of his late wife, Karla Foster, RN, who had been a registered nurse at PMC for more than 22 years prior to her death in a tragic accident. Every year the scholarship is awarded to a deserving student to pursue his or her dream of becoming a nurse. Brochures about this recognition program may be obtained by calling JPMF at 321-269-4066. Each brochure contains blank appreciation notes to complete for the physician and a remittance envelope. Or you may send your appreciation note and monetary gift directly to the Jess Parrish Medical Foundation to P.O. Box 2969, Titusville, FL 32781-2969.