Fall Activities For Parents and Children

Parrish Medical Center offers a number of different educational opportunities and activities for parents and children this Fall. See individual items for dates, times, location and contact information.

Beginning Breastfeeding Class
Free When: Third Monday each month, 6:30 to 9 p.m. Where: The Children’s Center, 5650 US Highway 1 Call: 321-268-6682 to register

Moments to Miracles (Childbirth Education Class)
Where: Parrish Medical Center Conference Center Cost: $50 per couple (preregistration required) Call: 321-268-6790 for dates and times Sibling Class For Big Brothers and Sisters Where: PMC Conference Center Call: 321-268-6790 for information (preregistration required)

Respite Nights
Parent night out while children with special needs, siblings, and friends participate in supervised activities. Sponsored in part by United Way of Brevard. When: Saturdays: September 8, October 13, November 10 and December 1. Where: 9 and under at The Children’s Center: $20 first child, $5 each additional sibling Over age 10 at Parrish Health & Fitness: $10 first child, $5 each additional sibling To register: Call Kathy Simonsen at 264-0855 or e-mail kathy.simonsen@parrishmed.com

The Children’s Center Activities
Contact Kathy Simonsen at 264-0855 or e-mail kathy.simonsen@parrishmed.com 5650 South Washington Ave., Titusville 32780 Mom's Morning Out: Ages 2–3 When: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Cost: $160 per month (snack provided) Playgroup Pals for ages 1–3 When: Wednesday mornings, event time varies Cost: $40 per month or $100 per quarter session Call: 321-264-0855 for details