JPMF Announces Golf Tournament

The Jess Parrish Medical Foundation (JPMF) “Golf Classic 2011” will be held on December 10, 2011 at Sherwood Golf Club in Titusville. Registration begins at 7 am, with a shotgun start at 8 am. The tournament will have a modified scramble format.

Proceeds will benefit the Parrish Early Care and Education (PECE) program at The Children's Center in Titusville. The PECE program provides high quality developmental and educational care in fully inclusive classrooms where typically developing children and those with special needs learn together.

“JPMF has been supporting The Children’s Center since its inception in 2000. Participation in this golf tournament is just one way to help provide the financial support for quality teachers who nurture and support the children in our community so they grow and develop to their fullest potential,” said Greg Sparkman, co-chair, JPMF 2011 Golf Classic Committee.

The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office will host a ball drop at 1:30 pm. Tickets for the ball drop are $20 each for a one in 250 chance to win up to $1,000. Winners need not be present. Additionally, Ron Norris Honda, Buick, GMC & Ford has generously sponsored a Hole-in-One Contest for a chance to win a car.

The cost per player is $75, which includes lunch catered by La Cita Country Club, and chances at awards and prizes. Sponsorships are available at the following levels: $500 Gold Corporate Sponsor, which includes one foursome, one hole sponsor sign and signage at the event; $200 Silver Corporate Sponsor, which includes one hole sponsor sign and signage at the event; and a Door Prize Sponsor, which includes signage at the event.

The JPMF Golf Classic 2011 committee has begun fundraising efforts toward the $10,000 goal. Current event sponsors include: Coastal Ambulance, Fran Gerrett, Graphic Press, Industrial Steel, Inc., La Cita Country Club, MedFast Urgent Care Centers, Inc., and Sherwood Golf Club.

Event co-chairs are Greg Sparkman, past chairman of the JPMF board of directors, and Kathy Myer, director of women’s services at Parrish Medical Center. Other committee members are: Dr. Anthony Allotta, Jackie Allotta, Santi Bulnes, Lori Duester, Paul Duester, Fran Gerrett, Randa Itani, Bill Moore, Debby Settle, Tim Skeldon, Holly Woolsey and Suzanne Yarbrough.

For sponsorship and/or event information, or to purchase ball drop tickets, call The Children’s Center at 321-264-0855 or email