December Sleep Support Group A.W.A.K.E.

  • Category: Support Groups
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  • Written By: Parrish Healthcare
Do you or someone you know suffer from sleep problems? If so, you are encouraged to attend this support group meeting on Monday, December 5 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Parrish Healthcare Center at Port St. John, 5005 Port St. John Parkway (east of the I-95 Port St. John exit). The meetings are held in the Conference Center by the south entrance (near the sleep lab). This is a free community service. Please call 321-268-6408 to register.

Do you feel like a prisoner of your CPAP mask? Many people living with sleep apnea, regardless of the success of their treatment, wish they could get rid of the mask. When choosing a mask for CPAP machines there are five things you should look for: comfort, convenience, quietness, the quality of the seal, and the style. Having one or more masks that fit these criteria will allow you to use your unit comfortably and gain optimum benefits from your CPAP therapy. There is a CPAP mask available in the market for everyone: one mask has no headgear, small lightweight nasal masks are available, and there is even a cloth mask! Just knowing how to choose the right one is a battle. Let us help you! We will be in the holiday spirit modeling the newest CPAP masks and finding the right one for your individual needs.

An open discussion will also be held on any of your sleep needs/questions during the last half of the meeting. Feel free to get in the holiday spirit and bring your favorite holiday desert if you’d like, but it is not required to attend the meeting. At every A.W.A.K.E. Support Group meeting you’ll have the opportunity to see newer model CPAP machines and masks and receive a free mask fitting.