JPMF Receives $15,000 Grant from McKesson Foundation

The Jess Parrish Medical Foundation was awarded a $15,000 grant from the McKesson Foundation for the Parrish Medical Center Diabetes Education Program, located at 951 N. Washington Avenue in Titusville. The grant will help the Diabetes Education Program with its mission to provide quality, cost effective, diabetes education to all patients with diabetes in North Brevard communities.

The PMC Diabetes Education Program recognizes the needs of the under-served and uninsured and provides community outreach programs to address these specific needs. Provisions are made for those patients with financial needs in the form of an Insulin Voucher Program. This system is used to provide a one-time, 30-day supply of diabetes medications to individuals without the funds or insurance necessary to provide this medication. The grant will provide approximately 75 individuals with insulin vouchers. The participants are then assisted with finding long-term, alternative sources to fund their medication needs.

“The beneficiaries of the Insulin Voucher Program greatly appreciate the loving kindness of the service, knowing they owe nothing in return. We are grateful to the McKesson Foundation for allowing us to continue this program,” says Kimberly Fischer, manager, PMC Diabetes Education Program.

In the United States today, approximately 25.8 million people are known to have diabetes. That’s 8.3 percent of the population. The key to successful diabetes self-management is education and communication with your healthcare professionals. The PMC Diabetes Education Program is the longest running hospital-based education program in Brevard County. It has been providing timely, comprehensive, and cost-effective care to patients since 1995, and continues to offer appropriate and quality education.

Call 321-268-6699 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Go online to and look under Programs and Services for more diabetes information, including a free DiabetesAware online self-assessment.