Local Women Benefit from Heart Health Reception

Seventy-five women attended Parrish Medical Center’s exclusive Red Hot Heart Health Reception on Wednesday, February 23 at the Holiday Inn Titusville-Kennedy Space Center in Titusville.

Of the 75 attendees, 58 participated in the free health screenings and assessments, which were provided by Parrish Medical Center clinical care partners. Screenings included blood pressure checks, blood glucose levels, respiratory health, stroke assessments and peripheral artery disease (PAD) assessments. Screenings were based on American Heart Association “Know Your Numbers.”

The results showed that 20 of the 58 women who participated in the health screenings had high blood pressure, eight had higher than recommended blood glucose levels, eight had possible respiratory problems, seven were at risk for stroke, and eight were at risk for PAD (based on their written assessments for stroke and PAD). Also, of the women who reported having experienced a past heart attack, all stated they ignored the first signs and waited hours, and even days, before seeking treatment. The most common symptoms reported by the heart attack survivors in attendance were jaw pain, shoulder pain, nausea and chronic fatigue. The average age of the participants was 58.

In addition to the free heart health screenings, the attendees participated in a Zumba demonstration and heard from Interventional Cardiologist Amitra Caines, M.D., who spoke about the signs and symptoms of heart attack in women and advances in Heart Disease Treatments for Women.

The event, sponsored by PMC’s Art of Healing Hearts (cardiovascular care) and Spirit Of Women, was all about healthy hearts and active lifestyles for all women. Each attendee also received a complimentary tote bag full of gifts from local businesses, and was eligible for door prizes donated by Titusville’s Mr. Submarine and Merle Norman Studio.

For more information about PMC’s cardiovascular care program and to learn the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, visit parrishmed.com and click on programs and services.