Chris McAlpine to Serve as Relay Chair

The American Cancer Society has selected Chris McAlpine, Parrish Medical Center’s senior vice president for Professional Services-Administration, to serve as event chair for this year’s Relay For Life of Titusville. McAlpine holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Allegheny College in Meadville, Penn. and a Juris Doctor from the New England School of Law in Boston, Mass. His educational background also includes a specialty degree in risk management from Northeastern University, Boston. He has participated in the Relay for nine years, served on the logistics committee for eight years and served as Relay chair for the past two years.

Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s national signature event and is as much an awareness raiser as it is a fundraiser. This family-oriented team event brings participants from all parts of the community together in a “celebration of life.” Businesses, civic clubs, churches, friends and families take turns walking in relay fashion while they also celebrate the critical role the American Cancer Society plays in the fight against cancer.

“The vital research and programs of the American Cancer Society are leading the way to eliminating cancer as a major health problem,” said McAlpine. “I’m proud to participate in Relay For Life. More funds raised translate into more lives saved.”

Others serving on the Relay For Life committee include Honorary Chair Robert Jordan, PMC board member. Dr. Lori Spinner, principal of Titusville High School, will host this event. The Relay For Life of Titusville will take place at Titusville High School Stadium on Saturday, April 17–Sunday, April 18, starting at 4:00 pm. To participate, call your American Cancer Society at 321-433-3109, ext. 121. For more information on cancer programs & services, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit