Board of Directors
The Foundation's Board of Directors is made up of community leaders concerned
with the healthcare needs of our community. The Board of Directors pledge
their interest, time and financial support all for the continuation of
quality healthcare in North Brevard County.
Executive Committee
Chair | Melissa Lugo |
TD Bank
Chair-Elect & Scholarship Co-Chair | Philip Simpson, Ph.D. |
Eastern Florida State College
Vice Chair | Kelley Broome |
The Broome Law Firm, P.A.
Secretary | Britt Diaz |
Franchise Owner, Firehouse Subs & Cosmic Creamery and Creations
Treasurer | Josh Norris |
Ron Norris, Inc. - Buick, GMC, Honda & Ford
Immediate Past Chair & Major & Planned Gifts | Randall Coleman |
Merrill Lynch
Annual Gifts Chair | Rachel S. Terry |
Retired, Parrish Medical Center
Children’s Center Advisory Chair | Jason Snodgrass |
The Watauga Company
Finance Advisory Chair | Santi Bulnes |
Retired, North Brevard Medical Support
Nominating Committee Chair | Jessie Kirk |Real Estate Development
Scholarship Co-Chair | Barbara Terhune |
Retired, Brevard County Schools
Stewardship Chair | Christopher Broome, Esq. |
The Broome Law Firm, P.A.
Ex-Officio | George Mikitarian |
Parrish Healthcare, President/CEO
Executive Director | Natalie Sellers |
Parrish Healthcare, Sr. VP, Communications, Community and Corporate Services
- Director | Matthew Morak
Jerry Allender, Esq. |
Allender & Allender, P.A.*
- Richard Boggs | Boggs Gases*
Winnie Brewer |
Community Volunteer
William Chivers | RUSH Construction, Inc.
Herman Cole |
Retired, Colonel USAF/Insurance
Mary Coleman |
Community Volunteer
David D. Ferguson |
North Brevard Funeral Home
Dorothy Hudson |
Retired, Brevard County Schools*
Terry Lee |
Retired, Brevard County Schools
Lisa McAlpine |
Retired, Educator
Jo Lynn Nelson |Retired, Prosecuting Attorney
J.J. Parrish III |
Kevat B. Patel, MD |
Hospitalist, Parrish Healthcare
Howard W. Rinker, D.D.S. |
Retired, Dentist
Joe Rodriguez |
Owner, McDonald's - Garden Street, Titusville
Turmy Sieveking |
Retired, Restaurateur
William Terry |
Retired, Brevard County Schools*
Jennifer Trastelis |
Co-owner Injury Centers of Brevard
*Directors Emeritus
If you would like to learn more about how to get involved, please contact
the Foundation office at (321) - 269-4066 or email us at