Taking Care of Pets

In the event of a hurricane or disaster, Brevard County Animal Control and Animal Relief Support Agencies encourage pet owners to TAKE THEIR PETS WITH THEM if they are evacuating the area; however, pets are not allowed in all public shelters. It is strongly recommended that you make prior arrangements to shelter your pets with a commercial kennel, family or friends out of the evacuation area. If left at home, your pets can be killed, injured, diseased, traumatized or lost.

If you have no other alternatives, Brevard County has limited pet friendly shelters that will be opened for those living in an evacuation zone. Prior registration is not required; but you should call Brevard County Animal Services and Enforcement to determine if open. Check out pet friendly lodging at this website: bringfido.com/lodging/state/florida/

County Animal Shelters Boarding

All county animal shelters will be open, unless ordered evacuated, and will receive pets on an EMERGENCY basis. Call the following numbers for information concerning pet sheltering during a disaster:

Brevard County Animal Services and Enforcement


Humane Society South Branch

Melbourne: 321-253-6608

North Area Animal Center

Titusville: 321-264-5119

South Area Care Center

Melbourne: 321-253-6608

It is very important to bring current rabies certificates, medications and food. Additionally, please bring leash and collar, crate or cage, cleaning supplies, and comfort items for your pet.

Do not leave your pets unattended ... take them with you!